Chair: Karen Streich, Lincoln/Langlade

Visit the NASCOE Programs & Negotiations page.

Did you know?
In the 2000's, NASCOE established the Programs committee.  Some of the changes that have occurred because of NASCOE are:
- IB 10403 CARS Enhancements which included adding a bulk copy feature for plant dates, added a 'today' button, added radio button for bulk revisions, and unreported quantities or balance for fields/subfields.
- Being able to use a SCIMS search in Financial Inquiries versus only being able to search by TIN.

The Programs and Negotiations Committee works hard on your behalf. Below are the 2024 Programs and Negotiation items and responses that were taken to the National Office. These items were submitted by your fellow employees for the benefit of everyone.

On another note, you may have recently noticed Information Bulletin 10975 credited NASCOE with a software suggestion to add a link to the COC Digital Local Administrative Area (LAA) Boundary Locator. Your support of NASCOE and your suggestions help make improvements that benefit us on a daily basis!

Are you tired of working harder and not smarter?

If you have suggestions or idea that you think would improve our program delivery, we would love to hear from you!

Every day we work with software and agricultural programs.  We all have identified problems or issues that slow us down and keep challenged on a daily basis.  It’s time to share those ideas with our Washington D.C. employees and programmers!  Let them know what you like and dislike, what is working and what is not working.  Changes will not happen without your input.  All we can do is try.

Our Midwest Area Executives challenge each state in the Midwest Area to submit suggestions on software and program improvement that can lead to better efficiency. NASCOE looks at these and submits them for consideration! Imagine making a suggestion that gets implemented nationwide! Let’s show the Midwest Area that Wisconsin has some great ideas.  All you have to do is to go to Programs & Submissions on the NASCOE website and complete the online submission process.

There is a lot of great information regarding programs and submissions on the NASCOE page. Head over to learn all about what NASCOE does for us to make our jobs easier.

Programs & Negotiations Fact Sheet
Programs & Negotiation Slide Presentation
How to Submit a Suggestion Flyer

Program Committee Reports

2019-20 Programs Committee Report
2018-19 Programs Committee Report