Chair: Brittany Weisenbeck-Karshbaum, Dunn
Visit the NASCOE website Awards & Scholarship page.
Distinguished Service Awards
The three different Distinguished Service Awards Categories are:
- Service to NASCOE
- Service to FSA-Agriculture
- Service to Community
This Program encourages recognition of NASCOE members who make outstanding contributions in EACH of areas of: Service to NASCOE; Service to FSA-Agriculture; or Service to Community. Nominations for these awards are competative.
- Any member of the Association may make a nomination.
- Nominees must be members of the association in good standing, members serving under a permanent appointment, and members voluntarily retired during the current year are eligible to receive these awards.
- Only members of a State Association which is affiliated with the National Association can be considered eligible at the Area and National levels.
- National Officers, Area Executives, Alternate Area Executives, National Committee Chairpersons are ineligible for consideration of a Distinguished Service Award while serving in any of these capacities.
- No Member shall be awarded more than one Distinguished Service Award for the same action on the same level. This does not disqualify a member from receiving multiple Distinguished Service Award in one or more categories with different nominations, but rather prevents winning two or more awards with the same nomination on the same level.
- Want to nominate someone, but not sure how or what to write? Reach out to your NASCOE Awards & Scholarship chair from some past examples. It is easier than you think!
- DSA Nominations can be completed on the NASCOE DSA Nomination page.
Nice Job Awards
Do you have a coworker that deserves recognition for an accomplishment? If so, submit them for a “Nice Job” award. Recipients are entered into a drawing for a $25 award! Nice Job awards should be submitted to our Awards Chairperson, Brittany Weisenbeck-Karshbaum.
Sick Leave Awards
Sick leave awards are awarded annually to individuals who reach milestones of 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, and 4000 hours or greater of accumulated sick leave.
Applications must be completed and submitted by July 1st at 11:00 pm CST. Applications can be completed on the NASCOE Sick Leave Awards page.
- Certificates are awarded to permanent employees who are NASCOE members in good standing for accumulated sick leave.
- Sick leave awards are obtained in increments of 500 hours, starting with 1000 hours accrued and maxing out at the 4000 hours accrued.
- Any NASCOE member or State Awards Chairperson can complete the awards submission.
- To qualify for this award, the member must have the accumulated sick leave hours in the respective category by pay period 26 of the prior year.
NASCOE Awards & Scholarship Handbook 2023 Edition
Awards & Scholarship Fact Sheet
Award Committee Reports
2018-19 Awards Committee Report
2017-18 Awards Committee Report
2015-16 Awards Committee Report